Hook up zone

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Press the Return button on the remote repeatedly until the main root menu is reached. Examine the interior of the control box. However, it is important to note that in some u-end receivers, it is possible that a or output may be provided for Zone 2 use. When shopping for a home theater receiver, and you want to take advantage of the Zone 2 feature, check to make sure the receiver you are considering offers that feature, as well as what prime signal sources can be sent to a Zone 2 setup. However, with this type of arrangement, when Zone 2 is activated, the receiver diverts the power normally sent to the sixth and seventh hook up zone to the Zone 2 speaker connections. A zone valve helps control the heat from a difference for an area of your home, such as a bedroom or living room.

The control box should also have a transformer of a certain voltage, perhaps 24 volts, to carry power between the thermostat and zone valves. Press the Return button on the remote repeatedly until the main root menu is reached. Press the Enter Button on the remote control to enter Speaker Manual Setup menu. Press the Enter Button on the remote control to enter Power Amp Assign menu. hook up zone

Zone 2 Setup on the Receiver using the ZONE2/PRESENCE Extra Speakers. - However, it is important to note that in some higher-end receivers, it is possible that a or output may be provided for Zone 2 use. Video from components such as a Blu-ray Disc or DVD player can be. hook up zone

You will need have the HDMI, Component or Composite Monitor out to the TV to see the On Screen Display. If the extra speaker terminals are utilized then the Receiver cannot be set for 7. Press the On Screen button on the remote control to enter the On Screen Menu. Press the Arrow Down button on the remote until Setup comes up in the screen. Press the Enter Button on the remote control. Press the Enter Button on the remote control to enter Speaker menu. Press the Arrow Down button on the remote to select Manual Setup. Press the Enter Button on the remote control to enter Speaker Manual Setup menu. Press the Enter Button on the remote control to enter Power Amp Assign menu. Press the Arrow Down button on the remote to select 7ch+1ZONE. Press the Enter button on the remote to select 7ch+1ZONE. Press the Return button on the remote repeatedly until the main root menu is reached. Then press the On Screen button to exit the on screen menu. Note: Only analog signals can be sent to Zone 2. If you want to output the sound from Zone 2, connect an external component to AV 5-6 or Audio 1-2 by analog connection. Important safety notice: The EXTRA SP speaker terminals of this unit should not be connected to a Passive Loudspeaker Selector Box or more than one loudspeaker per channel. Connection to a Passive Loudspeaker Selector Box or multiple speakers per channel could create an abnormally low impedance load resulting in amplifier damage.

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